Monday, November 12, 2012

Baby's First Shower!

Last Saturday, Baby Norwood was showered with love and gifts even though she is not even born yet!  She is one lucky girl, huh?  My wonderful mother-in-law, Vicky, and my sister-in-law, Wendy, have a group of precious friends who were kind and generous beyond words to host this beautiful shower for me while I was in Houston.  Words can't express how grateful I am!  Baby N and I felt very loved.

Here are the beautiful details of the shower decor.  It was over-the-top pink!  Some of the ladies who hosted the shower are interior decorators, so it was pretty much amazing.
More precious details including the blessing tree
The food table - lots of delicious desserts and finger foods!  With plenty of pink, of course.

Terry serving champagne punch (not for me, sadly) and the amazing desserts!

Sweet Cookie: Vicky's good friend, one of the nicest people I've ever met, and one of my biggest fans.

(L) My beautiful sister-in-law, Wendy (R) Wendy, Vicky, and my mom

The lovely ladies who hosted my shower:  Shirley, Cookie, Terry, Rose Marie, and Wendy

YES Prep North Central friends "Pears", Lora, Erica, Stephanie, Michelle, and Rachael.  So grateful they made the drive to Sugar Land!  Best  people to work with ever!!

Guests chatting and eating

North Central friends during gift opening

My fabulous course leaders Crystal, Allyson, and Dillon.  So blessed to have them on my team!

One of the gifts that brought everyone to tears:  A hand-stitched lace christening gown made by Brent's grandmother who passed away over a year ago.  She had been working on it and saving it for our future children!  It is INCREDIBLE.  What an heirloom to have forever!

There were PLENTY of adorable little girl outfits.  At the end, Lora said, "Does your daughter have even one pair of pants?!"  I got more wonderful gifts than I can picture or list here, but needless to say, the nursery is getting stocked quite well!
I'm so glad that my sweet mom could come for the shower.  I have been missing her, and we hadn't been together since our New York trip in July!  Love you mom!

It was a fantastic weekend, and a great memory of my first shower for my first baby!!


  1. I love it!! What a beautiful shower. You look great and it looks like it was an amazing time full of wonderful sussies for Baby N. XOXO

  2. Katie, your shower was SO precious! I love the idea of the blessing tree. Baby N is going to be the chicest chickadee around. :)

  3. What a beautiful shower!! Looks like it was wonderful and you look great! PS- I love that dress- so cute!


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