Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fall in Durham

Durham in the fall is magical.  When I go for walks, I don't even want to listen to my iPod.  I just walk, look, listen, pray, and enjoy.  Something about fall makes me want to Praise God!!!  Every evening the neighborhood is chilly and smells like smoke as people come home and light their fireplaces.  Now through December is truly the "most wonderful time of the year"!!  Here are some pics I snapped with my iPhone on my daily neighborhood walk.  That's our church in the first picture.  I love that it's at the end of our street!  In the last picture you'll see the sign for our neighborhood... Watts-Hospital Hillandale, est. 1908.  We just LOVE our neighborhood.  It verges on idyllic!


  1. I love how you arranged those pictures, Katie. Very nice touch! And you can tell that you walk everyday, because you took pictures of those trees at their peak, which is hard to capture! :)

  2. Love the trees in NC!!! Sadly, we got here just as they were falling, but the yellow ones are magnificent and they held out a little longer for us. :)


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