Thursday, December 27, 2012

Maternity Pictures

I was blessed years 11 ago to meet Kate Robertson (now Gavos) as a Pi Phi at Texas A&M.  (Has it been that long, y'all?!)  She and I have kept up through the years via our blogs, and I've had the joy of seeing her little girl, Caroline, grow up in pictures.  Kate is an EXTREMELY talented photographer, and she recently started her own business.  When I was thinking about maternity photos, I knew just who I wanted to ask.  Kate has been beyond kind and generous to us, and she is serving the Lord with her talents.  These are truly the maternity photos of my Pinterest dreams!  THANK YOU, Kate!  She managed to get all these great pics on a day with 40 mph winds!  If you've within walking, driving, or flying distance to Dallas, I highly recommend Kate as a photographer!  Check her out on Facebook here or on her website!!

Hope you like the pics as much as I do.  P.S. Doesn't Ava have the cutest dad ever?  Just sayin'!


  1. Okay, so I just have to say that you make pregnancy look so peaceful and easy. It's no big secret in my family, but it's kind of a secret to the rest of the world that I'm beyond terrified about having kids. I want them, but I'm terrified nonetheless. Your blog has been helping me along little by little. I probably won't be ready for a few more years, but I've loved following your baby journey. :)

  2. You are adorable!! My fave is you in the field with the red shirt and denim looking scarf. Precious.

  3. GORGEOUS pictures and a beautiful name!!!!

  4. These are gorgeous! I love them all.


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