Friday, December 21, 2012

She Has a Name!

After 36 weeks of deliberation, we are ready to announce the name of our baby girl!  We love it!!  We wanted a name that is classic but not tired, chic but not trendy, short, easy to spell, no nicknames, and sounds good with Norwood.  We've always wanted Grace to be the middle name because it will remind us (and her) of the grace given to her by Jesus.  We will just call her Ava, but I love the sound of Ava Grace, so we may also call her that sometimes :-)  Although she's still Baby N, she now has a name.  Phew!  I feel better, don't you?!  Name picked.  Monogram ordered.  We're ready for you, Ava!


  1. Katie, what a beautiful name! I've really enjoyed reading along with your pregnancy adventure!

    Cheers to you, Brent and baby Ava.

    Meghan R.

  2. AHHHHHH!!!! YAY!!!!!!! I love it. :)

  3. What a beautiful classic name. I stumbled upon your blog recently and have really enjoyed reading!

  4. I love that name! Thanks for sharing. I've been so curious. :)

  5. What a beautiful name for a sweet little girl! Monogram away!!

  6. Precious! Gorgeous name for your sweet little one!


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