Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ava's Newborn Pictures

My wonderful sister and brother in law gave us the greatest Christmas gift ever!  They gave us a professional newborn photo session with a photographer here in Raleigh.  It was a super special gift that we will treasure forever!  I mentioned in a previous post that Ava was not too happy for our first photo session.  She was supposed to sleep so the photographer could put her into all sorts of cute positions, but little miss decided to stay awake and scream pretty much the whole time.  Melissa (the photographer) was super nice and patient and offered to try again if we could bring Ava back another day.  We brought her four days later, and thankfully Ava cooperated and slept like a champ.  In the end, I'm really glad we got some cute ones of her sleeping and awake.  We just love how the pictures turned out, and I can't wait to figure out how to display some of them in our home.  If you live in North Carolina, I can't recommend Melissa Devoe Photography highly enough!  She is AWESOME!  Love our precious little girl!!

{our little family of three}


  1. Oh my God! There are no words. This is the most adorable thing ever.

  2. These are all so precious! I absolutely loved Ava's birth announcement, too. Thank you for sending me one!

  3. These are perfection! I adore them!

  4. Also... the one of the three of you. That is just gorgeous. Please blow it up and hang it on your mantle... or I will. At my own house.

  5. Oh my goodness! She looks so teeny tiny. Like a miniature angel. :)


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