Friday, March 8, 2013

Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

{Look!  A post that's not about my baby!}

Since I no longer have an excuse to eat donuts and pastries for breakfast (sigh), I'm returning to my healthy eating ways.  Lately, I've been obsessed with this easy, quick, healthy, and SUPER delicious quinoa breakfast bowl.  I saw the idea on Pinterest, and I knew I would love it.

This breakfast can be thrown together in a matter of minutes.  You'll get tons of protein from the quinoa and yogurt, antioxidants from the berries, and heart-healthy fats from the almonds and seeds.  Sweetened with a touch of honey, this is a chewy, crunchy, creamy, sweet, and tart breakfast.  I cook up a big batch of quinoa at the beginning of the week, and it keeps really well in the fridge for 4-5 days, making prep time super fast in the mornings.  The other great thing about it is that it's endlessly adaptable.  Personally, I think this is the best way, but you could sub in any other yogurt, nuts, seeds, and fruit that you like.  Here's how I make mine:

Red quinoa 
(you could use regular quinoa too, but I like red for breakfast)

(your favorite kind will work, but I love Chobani fat free vanilla)

(I prefer blackberries, but I've also made it with strawberries!)

(or your favorite nut)

Sunflower Seeds 

(or maple syrup or agave nectar)

Put it all together in a bowl.  Stir it up.  Enjoy.


  1. Yum! Last summer I became hooked on the Quinoa Breakfast Bowl at the cute cafe next door to our loft in Montana. The sweet & savory combo is the perfect breakfast food, in my opinion. You've inspired me to recreate this at home!

  2. Yum! I can count on one hand (finger) the number of times I've made quinoa. It's so sad because I really do like the stuff... I just get stuck cooking the same old things all the time. I even have a big ole' bag of red quinoa in my pantry right now. No excuses. I must try this.


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