Thursday, July 11, 2013

Baby's First Fourth

Ava got to celebrate her first Fourth of July in Texas AND in Iowa.  We made a trip to Texas the week before the fourth (more on that later), and while we were there, we celebrated an early Fourth of July with a family reunion of sorts in Dallas.  It was really fun for my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins to see Ava for the first time, and we had a great day just hanging out by the pool.  My Aunt Robyn is an INCREDIBLY talented photographer, and she took most of these fabulous pictures.  Thank you, Aunt Robyn!  You are the best!!

Ava met her cousin Ethan for the first time.  Ethan is the son of my sweet cousin Melissa, and he is just two weeks younger than Ava!  They were so cute together.

Ava also got to meet her great grandmother and great grandfather.  Grammy and Grampy now have two great grandsons and one great granddaughter!

Ava's Winnie (my mom) was glad to hold Ava when someone else wasn't!

We had some delicious lobster rolls for lunch, and then it was time to play!

It was an exciting day because it was Ava's first time to go swimming!  She was scared at first and cried, but then she loved it!  She stayed in the pool for almost 45 minutes.

 Cousin Ethan was kind enough to let Ava borrow his float!


 All that swimming wore her right out.  She NEVER sleeps on me like this, but she was down for the count!

"Never mind, guys!  I'm awake now!  Time to play!!"

 To round out the day, Ava had some quality time in a photo session with Winnie.

 Love this shot!

Then, it was finally time to go home.  Turtle says, "No more children, please!!!!"

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