Sunday, July 14, 2013

Texas Trip

A few weeks ago, we made our first trip back to Texas since Ava was born.  Although the grandparents have seen Ava multiple times, the rest of the families were dying to see her!  We stopped in Houston first and stayed with Brent's family and then went on to Dallas to hang out with my family.  It was quite a long trip for a little baby - 8 nights!  Ava did as well as could be expected.  We had some good days and some bad days and a few meltdowns in between.  But we survived, and we had fun!  Here are a few highlights.

 Ava met her great-granddad (Brent's grandfather) for the first time.  So cute!

We loaded up on Tex-Mex.  Love my Lupe's!  So does my precious nephew Luke!

Ava got to meet Lora & Pears, my two very good friends from YES.  Ava was a bit exhausted here.

Next we headed to Dallas for some play time with Winnie & Papa C.  We started every morning with some blanket time.

  We practiced "driving" in the parked car at NorthPark mall.

Ava played blocks with Papa C.
 I had breakfast with mom at Barbec's - eggs, bacon, grits, biscuits & gravy, & coffee... for $5.80.  Yes, please.

 Mom, Ava, and I took a lovely, cool, early-morning walk at the Arboretum.

... and with any good trip to the Arboretum, we made sure to get in a full-length photo shoot.

I'm such a big girl now!  I sit up all by myself!

We took pictures in front of the door where I took bridal photos and maternity photos... and now with my little munchkin.

I love this picture.  Apparently one centimeter of water is very, very scary.

Just kidding, it's not so bad.

Ava loves her Winnie!


Time to go home!  American Eagle gave us an extra seat on the plane out of the goodness of their hearts.  (It helped make up for the hours and hours of delays!)  Ava was pretty good on the plane for a 5 month old!  See ya later, Texas!

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